
Hereford City Council


2022 Update: The Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs prohibited the removal of nests or eggs in 2021. As a result we are no longer able to provide this service. Instead we are working in tandem with Herefordshire Council and Hereford BID to purchase and provide seagull proof bin bags for use around the City.

Keeping food waste away from the gulls is the best way to discourage them from flocking in the city.

Seagulls are a continuing nuisance and depend for their survival on a supply of food and somewhere to nest.  You can help by not leaving food or food wrappers on the streets, in parks or on benches, but by bagging items and putting them into street bins.  Our bins have tops on to stop seagulls getting in and pulling food out, so if you use them this will help.

Advice from Herefordshire Council regarding preventing gull activity on your property:

  • Removing any possible food sources including fallen fruit, animal feed and accessible household waste
  • Keeping your rubbish in bins until the day of collection wherever practical
  • Making sure your bins have secured lids
  • Using special bird feeders rather than putting food on the floor
  • Not feeding your dogs and cats outdoors
  • Picking up and disposing of any litter outside your property
  • Clearing any undergrowth from your garden to remove possible nesting places
  • Not putting any meats, bread or cooked food on a compost heap as this will attract vermin into your garden. Where possible secure fine grade wire meshing around and underneath your compost heap.
  • Commercial properties should keep the streets at the front and back of the premises free of litter and black rubbish bags
  • Request a seagull-proof sack to put your rubbish out for collection. These are reusable, heavy duty bags designed to keep your waste sacks safe from seagulls and other vermin before they are picked up. They are available to residents and businesses in Hereford city centre.
A large group of seagulls

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