Community Grants Scheme
Hereford City Council (HCC) is committed to encouraging community development and aims to work closely with organisations and groups by financially and developmentally supporting projects that benefit local residents.
HCC recognises and values the importance of partnership, working with public and private sector organisations, as well as community groups and voluntary organisations.

Any organisation submitting an application may be asked to send a representative to the meeting at which their grant application is being considered. Meetings are held five to six times per year, normally on a Monday morning, in the Town Hall, Hereford, HR1 2PJ.
Due to the age, architecture and listing of the Town Hall the committee room is inaccessible for wheelchair users so please ensure you notify the Council of any mobility needs when submitting your grant application, so alternative arrangements can be made.
All applications must be received a minimum of three weeks prior to a meeting considering grant funding otherwise the application may need to be taken to the next grants meeting.

HCC has a budget to make discretionary community grants usually up to £3,000* to local community organisations, charities, clubs, societies and groups in any one financial year.
All households within the boundaries of the City of Hereford pay a portion of their council tax (collected by Herefordshire Council) to their parish council – Hereford City Council. HCC therefore has a duty to ensure that grants awarded under this scheme aim to make a difference to the quality of life of people living in Hereford City.
Applications are considered at specific grants meetings held by the Community Development Committee and these dates can be found here.
*Occasionally the committee may consider awarding a larger grant for projects of particular merit where evidence can be provided to show that this service or project is needed.

- be properly constituted and non-profit making;
- be properly managed, hold regular meetings and have audited accounts;
- comply with disability discrimination legislation, equal opportunities and race equality and must be open to all sections of the community (accepting that some projects or services may be focussed on certain sections of the community e.g. young people, people with disabilities);
- submit up to date accounts, balance sheet, a breakdown of charges and costs for the project or service and details of membership fees (if applicable) or in the case of a new organisation, evidence of a business plan;
- show evidence and results of their own fundraising efforts and/or other sources of funding have applied to and the outcome to date;
- show local community involvement and support.
- to individuals;
- for projects / services covered by other statutory bodies;
- for political or religious activities;
- for salaries;
- for equipment for personal use of any one individual in an organisation, charity or group;
- for retrospective project spend.

Hereford City Communities in Bloom
This ‘Hereford City Communities in Bloom’ grant application form is for grants of up to £200-00 towards community floral projects to enable groups to purchase basic start up equipment or plants for their floral projects scheme.
The scheme is open to community groups, schools, care/residential homes or other constituted not for profit groups who wish to plant a floral display on a community open space within the City.
- You must have registered for one of the RHS ‘IN BLOOM’ schemes. i.e It’s Your Neighbourhood The schemes are free to join.
- You must identify the area to be planted for floral impact within the City and/or their project idea.
- You must identify the cost of the project.
- You must provide a copy of your group’s public liability insurance or a quote for the same. RHS insurance can be purchased at a cost of £70 or £86 per annum to cover your project.
- Groups can apply for up to £200 towards plants and/or planting equipment such as trowels, forks, hoes etc and/or public liability insurance up to £75.
Further details of the documentation, evidence and quotes that need to be submitted to validate an application can be found on page 17 of the grant application form.