Community Development

This is the largest Committee of the Council with eleven members. This reflects the wide range of it activities and the number of Councillors who want to serve on it.

Much of its work is guided by the Community Led Plan, (or City Plan), which is drawn up in consultation with residents and various special interest groups, to ensure that the Council’s work meets the needs and aspiration of the people who elect the Council, as far as we are able to do. We are currently renewing the plan following ward boundary changes in May. In any case it is good practice to refresh a community led plan every five years. The Committee is overseeing a programme of consultation, data collation and assimilation into the new Community Led Plan.

The Committee oversees our work in promoting the city with a programme of events throughout the year, such as the Christmas Lights and Historic Hereford Day.

The Committee oversees our provision of allotments and our relationship with Hereford Allotments and Leisure Gardens Society who run the sites in Hereford on our behalf.

The Committee is also responsible for all our on-street activities, such as:

The programme to install 60 extra litter bins around Hereford (now completed), and the additions to that from time to time as local members raise areas of concern with us funding the purchase and installation of play equipment in the city’s parks and recreation grounds in partnership with Herefordshire Council, the replacement of and installation of new blue plaques, the provision of benches in parks and at the roadside, including our very popular First World War Commemoration benches, the location of Speed Indicator Devices and other traffic calming measures and improvements to footpaths and cycle routes.

In many of these areas the City Council does not have the final say, but Community Development Committee can approve proposals, release City funds and seek the commitment of Herefordshire Council to make things happen.

Community Development Committee also oversees any County services that may be devolved to the City. Recently it took over responsibility for funding the contract to control seagulls in Hereford, as a joint venture with the County Council. It has been working with Services for Independent Living to maintain “Shopmobility” to try and ensure the continuation of this valuable service to shoppers and tourists, and it works closely with the City Tourism Group, Visit Herefordshire and other agencies to promote the city, improve its transport and facilities and increase the vibrancy and liveliness of our City Centre.

For the Committee’s work in grants, click HERE

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